Sisli havada Golden Gate Köprüsü manzarası.Pin

Turksat Kablonet ZTE ZXHN F6600 Modem Bridge Modu

Bildiğiniz gibi şubat ayında Turksat Fiber Dönüşümü: Aydınlıkevler de 1 Gbit Genişbant İnternet konusunda belirttiğim üzere GPON alt yapısına geçişim tamamlanmıştı, aynı gün verilen modemi sadece geçiş için kullanıp MikroTik RB3011UiAS-RM cihazımı devreye aldım. Aynı şekilde kullanmak isteyenler olabilir, Turksat diğer sağlayıcılar gibi değil bu sebeple yapılacaklar biraz farklı, en temelde PPPoE bilgilerini almak için tırmalamamız gerekmiyor.

Önce TÜRKSAT’ın müşteri paneline giriş yapmalıyız. adresinden bunu gerçekleştirebilirsiniz, hemen ardından “Hizmet işlemleri -> Mevcut Hizmetler” listesinde kullandığınız internet hizmetini bulun.

Tıkladığınızda sayfa sizi bir süre bekletecek, modeme erişip erişemediğini kontrol ediyor TR069 üzerinden işlemleri yapacak. Erişilebilir olduğunu fark ettiği gibi sizi aşağıdaki sayfaya atacak

Aktif etmek için Switche tıkladığınızda ekranda PPPoE bilgileriniz belirecek ve hemen ardından modeminiz yeniden başlayacak, bu arada bilgileri kayıt etmeyi unutmayın daha sonrasında tekrar almak için baya uğraşmanız gerekir.

UYARI: Verilen cihaz asla fabrika ayarlarına çevrilmemelidir, ekip modemi arkasındaki reset tuşuna basarak sıfırlayın dese bile yapmayın. Bu işlem sadece uzaktan ekip tarafından yapılmalıdır. Modem online olmaması durumlarında elle fabrika yarlarına çevrilmemelidir.

Modem tekrar başladığında kullanıcı bilgileriniz ile arayüze giriş yaptığınızda aşağıdaki işlemleri gerçekleştirin.

  1. DHCP Kapatılmalı
  2. Firewall Kapatılmalı
  3. Anti-Dos Kapatılmalı
  4. WiFi Kapatılmalı
  5. Hata tespiti için “Log Günlükleme” aktif edilmeli (Yönetim ve Tanı menüsü altında yer almaktadır.)

Şimdi bilgilerimizi de aldığımıza göre kullanacağımız Router’a bağlantıları yapmaya geldi sıra, ZTE ZXHN F6600 ve/veya ZTE ZXHN F600P bridge yani köprü modunda sadece LAN1 portundan yapmanıza izin veriyor. Diğer portlardan bağlantı sağlarsanız büyük ihtimalle PPPoE sunucusuna bağlanamayacaksınız.

Çünkü modem trafiği iletmemiş olacak. Loglarınızda bolca aşağıdaki çıktıları göreceksiniz. MikroTik’te aşağıdaki gibi gözüküyor. Bildiğimiz PPPoE erişim hatası PPPoE sunucusu ile haberleşemiyor demek.

Kullandığınız cihaz ne olur bilemem bu sebeple PPPoE ayarlarını anlatmam güç ancak TURKSAT’ın size verdiği bilgiler gerek standartlara uyuyor. Yani ön tanımlı kullanacağınız bir ayar bile internet erişiminizin sağlanması için yeterli olacaktır.

dipnot: MTU konusuna gelirsek, benim gibi yüksek oranlar sevenler için ki sebebini bilenler bilir. Interface üzerinde yükseltmeyi deneyebilir. Ancak TURKSAT 1500 MTU’ya kadar desteklemektedir ve üstünü yapsak bile MRU ile kısıtlamaktadır.

ZTE cihaz üzerinde aşağıdaki gibi uyarılar ve loglar görebilirsiniz. Korkulacak bir şey bulunmamaktadır.


2024-04-16T19:35:15Z [Error] Web set failed. (objname: OBJ_FWPM_ID identity: DEV.NAT.PtMapping1 iRet: -257)
2024-04-17T17:11:06Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-18T17:11:08Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-19T17:11:09Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-20T17:11:11Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-20T23:45:38Z [Error] Web set failed. (objname: OBJ_FWPM_ID identity: DEV.NAT.PtMapping1 iRet: -257)
2024-04-21T17:11:13Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T17:11:14Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:17Z [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
2024-04-22T21:33:17Z [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcidebug][2]
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcitoplat][1]
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omci.omci]
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:18Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [webd][1]
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] [HTTPD.webd_task.webd]-> SEND [0X9C52] to [cspd.cspd.sntp_mgr]
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:20Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:21Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [BoardControl][3]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCREPORT.SLCREPORT]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.RCA.RCA]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipDspRoot.VoipDspRoot]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [RCA][1]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.RCA.RCA]-> SEND [0X4001] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SIP][2]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:22Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] |dnsmasq| bind interface socket failed 99
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] |dnsmasq| tcp, bind interface socket failed,tcpfd:5, error=99, errstr=Cannot assign requested address
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omci][3]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EED] to [gponomci.sys.sys]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.alarm.alarm]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.perform.perform]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EE4] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.bridge]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [sys][5]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.gpon_mgr]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SLCCONTROL][1]
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] [msg history details]:
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:24Z [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
2024-04-22T21:33:33Z [Error] get view failed VID(EthPortConfProduct) VN() Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:33Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:45Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:45Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:52Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:33:52Z [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] set view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] set view failed [DEV.IP.IF5]
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:12Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:13Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:13Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:13Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF5) Err(-5)
2024-04-22T21:34:13Z [Error] get view failed VID(PPPIF) VN(DEV.PPP.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:27:50Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:27:50Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF3.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:27:50Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:27:50Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:27:50Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF4.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:29:02Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:29:02Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-26T18:29:02Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:25Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:25Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF3.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:25Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:25Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:25Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF4.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:35Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:35Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-27T14:58:35Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:35:50Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:35:51Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF3.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:35:51Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:35:51Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:35:51Z [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF4.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:36:22Z [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:36:22Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-04-30T14:36:23Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-05-17T07:08:07Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-05-17T07:08:07Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-05-20T02:36:24Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
2024-05-20T02:36:24Z [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcidebug][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcitoplat][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omci.omci]
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:30 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [webd][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [HTTPD.webd_task.webd]-> SEND [0X9C52] to [cspd.cspd.sntp_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [BoardControl][3]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCREPORT.SLCREPORT]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.RCA.RCA]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipDspRoot.VoipDspRoot]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [RCA][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.RCA.RCA]-> SEND [0X4001] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SIP][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SLCCONTROL][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] |dnsmasq| bind interface socket failed 99
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] |dnsmasq| tcp, bind interface socket failed,tcpfd:5, error=99, errstr=Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [sys][5]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.gpon_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omci][3]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EED] to [gponomci.sys.sys]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.alarm.alarm]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.perform.perform]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EE4] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.bridge]
P0000-00-00T00:00:43 [Error] get view failed VID(EthPortConfProduct) VN() Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:43 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:53 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:56 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:01:01 [Error] System-Error wan(DEV.PPP.IF1) ppp(1170) eLastConnError = 'ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE'
P0000-00-00T00:01:04 [Error] System-Error wan(DEV.PPP.IF1) ppp(1209) eLastConnError = 'ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE'
P0000-00-00T00:01:07 [Error] System-Error wan(DEV.PPP.IF1) ppp(1216) eLastConnError = 'ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE'
P0000-00-00T00:01:10 [Error] System-Error wan(DEV.PPP.IF1) ppp(1223) eLastConnError = 'ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE'
P0000-00-00T00:01:13 [Error] System-Error wan(DEV.PPP.IF1) ppp(1230) eLastConnError = 'ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE'
P0000-00-00T00:01:20 [Error] get view failed VID(PPPIF) VN(DEV.PPP.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-19T16:52:30 [Emergency] reboot msg!reboot for media (2) 
P0000-00-00T00:00:28 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcidebug][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcitoplat][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omci.omci]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [webd][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [HTTPD.webd_task.webd]-> SEND [0X9C52] to [cspd.cspd.sntp_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [BoardControl][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.RCA.RCA]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipDspRoot.VoipDspRoot]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCREPORT.SLCREPORT]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [RCA][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.RCA.RCA]-> SEND [0X4001] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SIP][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omci][3]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EED] to [gponomci.sys.sys]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.alarm.alarm]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.perform.perform]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EE4] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.bridge]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [sys][5]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.gpon_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] |dnsmasq| bind interface socket failed 99
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] |dnsmasq| tcp, bind interface socket failed,tcpfd:5, error=99, errstr=Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SLCCONTROL][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:44 [Error] get view failed VID(EthPortConfProduct) VN() Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:44 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:57 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:59 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] bind Error! n32Socket=[53], errno=[99:Cannot assign requested address]
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-02T04:51:45 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.IP.IF3) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:28 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:28 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcidebug][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcitoplat][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omci.omci]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [webd][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [HTTPD.webd_task.webd]-> SEND [0X9C52] to [cspd.cspd.sntp_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [BoardControl][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.RCA.RCA]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipDspRoot.VoipDspRoot]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCREPORT.SLCREPORT]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [RCA][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] [VoIP.RCA.RCA]-> SEND [0X4001] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:33 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SIP][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] |dnsmasq| bind interface socket failed 99
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] |dnsmasq| tcp, bind interface socket failed,tcpfd:5, error=99, errstr=Cannot assign requested address
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omci][3]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EED] to [gponomci.sys.sys]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.alarm.alarm]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.perform.perform]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EE4] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.bridge]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [sys][5]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.gpon_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SLCCONTROL][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] get view failed VID(EthPortConfProduct) VN() Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:04:17 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:04:17 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:04:17 [Error] del view failed VID(IPv4Address) VN(DEV.IP.IF4.V4ADDR1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:28 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [cspd.log_task.log_mgr] ASEND [0xA2BF] to [],(swLen=-1)<(Len=224),path=/var/tmp/multiapd.map_asy,errno=[2:No such file or directory] !
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcidebug][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omcitoplat][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omci.omci]
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:29 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [webd][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] [HTTPD.webd_task.webd]-> SEND [0X9C52] to [cspd.cspd.sntp_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:31 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:32 [Error] get view failed VID(ScheduleInform) VN(DEV.ScheduleInform1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [BoardControl][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.RCA.RCA]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.VoipDspRoot.VoipDspRoot]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]-> SEND [0X1101] to [VoIP.SLCREPORT.SLCREPORT]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [RCA][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.RCA.RCA]-> SEND [0X4001] to [VoIP.SLCCONTROL.SLCCONTROL]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SIP][2]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] [VoIP.VoipSip.SIP]-> SEND [0X3532] to [VoIP.BoardControl.BoardControl]
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:34 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [omci][3]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EED] to [gponomci.sys.sys]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.alarm.alarm]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.perform.perform]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2EE4] to [gponomci.omcitoplat.omcitoplat]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.omci.omci]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.bridge]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [sys][5]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E81] to [gponomci.omcidebug.omcidebug]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X3E83] to [gponomci.omciUpgrade.omciUpgrade]
P0000-00-00T00:00:35 [Error] [gponomci.sys.sys]-> SEND [0X2401] to [cspd.cspd.gpon_mgr]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] !!!!!![high Alert for send msg in POWERON]: [SLCCONTROL][1]
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] [msg history details]:
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:36 [Error] []-> SEND [0X0000] to []
P0000-00-00T00:00:38 [Error] get view failed VID(EthPortConfProduct) VN() Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:38 [Error] get view failed VID(IPInterface) VN(DEV.OPTICAL.IF1) Err(-5)
P0000-00-00T00:00:50 [Error] get view failed VID(WANLog) VN(DEV) Err(-5)