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Pluralsight Skill IQ Python Core Language Assessment Cevapları

Soru 1: The update function in the following code is supposed to add a new user to your dictionary:

Users = {}
def add_users(new_user):


What is wrong with this code?

  • The new_user is an instance of a str data structure. Also, inserting a new user with matching keys will overwrite the already existing one.
  • The def function does not return the dictionary Users so that just exists locally.
  • You must specify how many elements you want to store in the dictionary, otherwise it will not work.
  • ‘User1’ must be enclosed in curly brackets.
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 2: What is the output of the following code?

class test():
    a = 8
    def __init__(self, a=5):
        self.a = a

foo = test(2)
  • 5
  • 8
  • None
  • 2
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 3: What special methods do immutable containers use?

  • len() and getitem()
  • getitem(), setitem(), and __del__item()
  • len(), getitem(), setitem(), and __del__item()
  • getitem() and setitem()
  • I don't know yet.

Soru 4: Why would you use nested comprehensions instead of comprehensions with multiple iterables?

  • To save memory
  • To iterate over two sequences at the same time
  • To convert output to the same type
  • To use the output of one comprehension as an expression for the next
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 5: You must collaborate on a Python script that needs to add an element to an existing set and then output the updated set. Given the following code, Colors = set(['black','red']), what option successfully adds the element blue to the set Colors and prints the updated set?

  • A
  • B
print('Colors: ', Colors)
  • C
  • D
print(Colors, "Colors: ")
  • E
I don't know yet.

Soru 6: Which module is most beneficial if you are working on a Python 2 application and planning on having Python 3 support for your code?

  • _testmultiphase module
  • pip module
  • sys module
  • __future__ module
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 7: You are working on a Windows system and you must use the sys module to add a module from a custom location. The following script fails when you try to import the module. The custom location is: “D:\Projects\”. Assume pydot is in the folder.

import sys 
import pydot

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pydot'

Why is the script failing?

  • You must specify the path with raw string or escape the backslashes.
  • You must start with import statements and then with the append.
  • The module is not in that folder.
  • You can only set the path in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 8: What special syntax in Python passes a keyword and a variable-length argument list to a function?

  • *args
  • *kwarg
  • argw
  • **kwargs
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 9: What statement unbinds names?

  • break
  • pass
  • nonlocal
  • del
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 10: What list in Python contains arguments passed to a script?

  • sys.argv
  • list.argv
  • arguments.list()
  • stdout()
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 11: Which module must be imported when you want to perform unit tests in Python?

  • unittest
  • test
  • nose
  • pytest
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 12: While producing a packaged Python code, which file can you leave empty?

  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 13: If you don’t use contextlib.ContextDecorator, which statement will you always use when working with a context manager?

  • with
  • nonlocal
  • assert
  • as
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 14: What is the Python syntax for defining an empty set literal?

  • ()
  • set()
  • {}
  • []
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 15: What is the output of the following Python code?

def call_obj(arg1, arg2):
    return arg1 ** arg2, arg2 ** arg1

a1, a2 = 5, 2
print(call_obj(a1, a2))
  • (25, 32)
  • [32, 25]
  • [25, 32]
  • (32, 25)
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 16: What is the issue with using the following shebang line?

#!/usr/bin/env python
  • It requires an asterisk to run dynamically.
  • It won’t run without identifying a version.
  • It could run in an incompatible version of Python.
  • If a system has Python 2, it will try to run on Python 3.
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 17: Why does the following logical expression return a value of False?

'b' == ('a' or 'b')
  • The first letter ‘b’ when compared to the letter ‘a’ returns False which when compared to the last letter ‘b’ returns False
  • Starting with the parenthesis, the logical operation (‘a’ or ‘b’) results in ‘ab’ and the letter ‘b’ is not equal to ‘ab’
  • Starting with the parenthesis, the logical operation (‘a’ or ‘b’) returns False and the letter ‘b’ is not equal to the boolean False
  • Starting with the parenthesis, the letter ‘a’ short-circuited the logical operation (‘a’ or ‘b’) resulting in ‘b’ == ‘a’ which is False
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 18: After downloading and unpacking the source distribution of a Python package from a source, which script installs the package?

  • make
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 19: What takes place when a generator function calls yield?

  • The generator function exits and the variables are all initialized to 0.
  • The generator function iterates through a nested for loop and saves each iterator into a new temporary variable.
  • The generator function continues execution as normal until the yield function no longer can return positive integers.
  • The generator function will save all variable values and pause. The code to be executed next is saved and will execute when the next() function is called.
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 20: What will the result of the following code be?

from itertools import zip_longest
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6, 10]
c = [7,8,9, 10]

for i in zip_longest(a,b,c):
  • (1, 4, 7)(2, 5, 8)(3, 6, 9)(None, 10, 10)
  • (1, 2, 3)(4, 5, 6)(7, 8, 9)
  • (1, 2, 3)(4, 5, 6)(7, 8, 9)(10, 10)
  • (1, 4, 7)(2, 5, 8)(3, 6, 9)(10, 10)
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 21: You must create a Python script that uses bitwise operators to determine binary values for two numbers with the XOR operator. What expression would successfully find the XOR value for variables A and B?

  • A&B
  • A<<B
  • A|B
  • A^B
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 22: What can you expect first_array and second_array to be, given the following?

first_array = [1,2,3,4]
second_array = first_array

  • A
first_array = [1,2,3,4]
second_array = [1,2,3]
  • B
first_array = [1,2,3,4]
second_array = [1,2,3,4]
  • C
first_array = [1,2,3]
second_array = [1,2,3]
  • D
first_array = [1,2,3]
second_array = [1,2,3,4]
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 23: When using the contextmanager from the contextlib module, what decorator do you use?

  • !#contextmanager
  • dec contextmanager
  • contextlib.manager
  • @contextmanager
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 24: You are using the command line to iterate through a list using the next() command. What does it mean when you receive this error on your last execution of the next() command?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
  • The list items are outside the bounds of what the list was initialized at.
  • The list contains integers that cannot be iterated.
  • There are no more items left in the list to iterate through.
  • The list is empty.
  • I don’t know yet.

Soru 25: What method could you apply to convert the complex number (5.74895+7j) into the integer 5?

  • int((5.74895+7j).rshift())
  • int((5.74895+7j).real)
  • int((5.74895+7j).conjugate())
  • int((5.74895+7j).round)
  • I don’t know yet.
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