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Fortinet NSE 1 – Ders 3(CISO Perspectives) Cevaplar

Soru 1: How long has the role of CISO been present?

The role of CISO does not exist yet.
The role of CISO has existed for 129 years.
The role of CISO is relatively new.
The role of CISO is the oldest C-level position.

Soru 2: In many of the breaches, tens of millions of credit cards become compromised, and personally identifiable information for millions of individuals are stolen. What is one result?

Class-action lawsuits
Clearance sales
Market capitalization increase
Increase in share price

Soru 3: In what ways are CISOs often expected to represent the company?

Presenting new products at a trade show booth.
Thought leadership, partnership development, and customer engagement.
Public relations, advertising, and marketing.
Career day at a local school.

Soru 4: Originally, the role of CISO was mostly concerned with which topic?


Soru 5: What can be said for a company’s data that resides outside their buildings?

It is already secured and protected by the very nature of the cloud.
It must be secured and protected just the same.
It is impossible to even find.
It is impossible to secure or protect.

Soru 6: What do the other C-level executives want from a CISO?

A concrete assessment of information risk and value.
A concrete assessment of vendor performance.
A concrete assessment of website costs.
A concrete assessment of database performance.

Soru 7: What is the result of these breaches becoming the targets of government regulators?

Huge fines
Unexpected tax audits
Increased health department inspections
Lower insurance rates

Soru 8: What is the term for when departments or individuals go outside the corporate policies and spin up their own applications, utilize unapproved or uncoordinated SaaS services, or otherwise allow what may be key information assets to be stored out of our control?

Dodgy IT
Vapor IT
Ninja IT
Shadow IT

Soru 9: What results from the loss of control of customers’ personally identifiable information?

The loss of customer trust and a strengthening of brand reputation.
A rise in customer-created crowdfunding initiatives.
The loss of customer trust and lasting damage to brand reputation.
An increase in customer sympathy and a strengthening of brand reputation.

Soru 10: Where are the information assets in a typical company today?

Consolidated in a central mainframe.
Inside the main building.
Scattered all over the place.
Stored in carefully controlled servers.

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